A blank page is both exciting and scary. It’s exciting because it represents opportunity, a fresh start. Anything is possible on that page. It could be the start of the best thing you have ever written.
Or it can be scary. If no ideas flow freely, it makes you wonder if creativity will every appear. If you stare at it long enough, it seems to be taunting you, inspiring self-doubt rather than opportunity, and soon you’re paralyzed.
While I tend to overuse metaphors, the blank page really is like a new day. Every morning is a new opportunity, a fresh start. Anything is possible. It could be the start of the best day of your life.
Or not.
Much like a blank page, how you look at it is connected to how it turns out. Are you prepared? Have you thought through your plans for the day? Are you open to new experiences? Are you open to creativity? Do you have an attitude of service, and are you determined to live (or write something) to benefit others? If you are a person of faith, have you invited God into your day (into your writing)?
Once you can answer ‘yes’ to these questions, the new day is not so scary, and neither is a blank page. It becomes a new opportunity, and your actions will be more focused.
How prepared are you for your new day?
In a future post, I’ll share some of my practical ideas for getting started with your writing on that real blank page.